Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to get a deep cleaning?
We require all new customers who are starting a recurring cleaning service to start with either our Top to Bottom Judy Occupied Clean or our General Basic Clean. We will consider waiving this if the home is brand new or you are changing housecleaning services and have been professionally cleaned in the past 30 days.
Will you send the same cleaning technician each time?
All Maids of Movher recurring cleaning clients are assigned to one of our cleaning technicians. We do our very best to send that same technician every time we come to clean. However, there are days when employees call in sick or take time off. When this happens, we will alert you and assign another technician to your home. We will also notify you if there is a permanent change of cleaning technicians for your home.
How do you control the quality of cleanings?
All our professional cleaning technicians complete our Perfect Maintenance Cleaning course, must pass several quizzes and complete a week of solo cleaning with regular housechecks before being allowed to clean a home alone. We also have a quality manager who inspects our cleaning technician’s work on a periodic basis.